“It's wonderful to see people accomplish great things for humanity,” Kathy Pounds says.
That’s one reason the Pounds are so passionate about two causes close to their heart — healthcare and higher education.
When Ralph and Kathy Pounds reflect on their 30-year philanthropic journey, it comes back to loyalty and trust over the long haul, including organizations such as Mayo Clinic and the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign, where Kathy graduated.
That’s what makes the story of their courtship so unique.
“We had 10 dates over 30 days, then I proposed to her,” Ralph says, smiling. “She’s the best thing that ever happened to me.”
It’s reassuring to continue our impact beyond our lifetimes. Our philanthropy is part of the larger relationship we enjoy with Mayo Clinic. The doctors, nurses, receptionists and Development staff are like family to us.
So when Kathy suggested early in their marriage they should be helping others as much as they could, Ralph was excited to join in.
“We were blessed to have each other and good jobs, and I thought we ought to be giving back,” Kathy recalls.
The Pounds came to Mayo Clinic in the 1990s when Ralph began experiencing health problems, including digestive issues and swelling in his lips, and his local provider couldn’t figure out why.
“Mayo’s team suggested starting with an allergist, who discovered Ralph was allergic to his blood pressure medication,” Kathy explains. “We changed the medication, and the problems vanished within days.”
The relationship between the Pounds and Mayo Clinic deepened over the years when they learned more about the organization’s mission, and they have generously given to areas including individualized medicine, biomedical research and junior faculty development.
Mayo Clinic recognizes Ralph and Kathy Pounds as Principal Benefactors. In addition, their support will continue to grow for generations to come through multiple endowments that will be established through their estate commitment to Mayo Clinic.
“It’s reassuring to continue our impact beyond our lifetimes,” Kathy says. “Our philanthropy is part of the larger relationship we enjoy with Mayo Clinic. The doctors, nurses, receptionists and Development staff are like family to us.”