Education Innovation

Mayo Clinic researchers are enhancing CAR-T cell therapy's effectiveness for cancer treatment.

Jay Alix gift ensures the "best and brightest" can choose to go to medical school.

In an old family farmhouse outside small Delavan, Minnesota, Mike Hoffman is getting to know his mom a bit better. She died nearly 40 years ago, but through a stack of yellowed letters, Mike and his wife, Tami, are delving into a part of her life that they didn't previously know much about -- her life built upon her nursing studies at Mayo Clinic.

Bill and his wife, Carolyn, are enthusiastic supporters of access to education and have focused their philanthropy on higher learning. The Franke family’s transformative gift[...]

Randy Steer glanced around on a momentous autumn day in 1972. Surrounding him at the opening convocation were 39 other dreamers — the first class[...]